Beasley School of Law


Understand the most complex issues of tax law. Gain a strong foundation in tax law, including estate and benefit taxes. Learn more aout the JD/LLM dual degree.

JD/LLM in Transnational Law

利用全球法律市场,为知识产权所有者使用的国际法世界做好准备, multinational corporations and online entities. 该课程要求学生在国外学习一个学期,以便比较不同法律制度的细节. Learn more about the JD/LLM dual degree.

Beasley School of Law / Fox School of Business

JD/MBA in Law/Business Administration

Earn a joint JD/MBA degree. Opt for a three-year program if you have a moderate background in business or economics; choose the four-year program if you are new to law and business. Learn more about the JD/MBA dual degree.

College of Public Health / Other 学校 and 大学

JD/MPH in Law/Public Health

增加你的自然科学和社会科学知识,同时准备在法律体系中做出积极的改变. Learn more about the JD/MPH dual degree.

JD/MSW in Law/Social Work

准备通过公共利益和公共政策工作对法律制度产生积极影响. Learn more about the JD/MSW dual degree.

MPH/DPM in Public Health/Podiatric Medicine

将足病医学博士学位与公共卫生硕士学位相结合. Earned full time in the midst of podiatric studies, 公共卫生硕士课程帮助学生了解影响医疗保健和患者体验的社会和环境因素. Learn more about the MPH/DPM dual degree.

MPP/MPH in Public Policy/Public Health

Train as a public health professional with additional expertise in public policy. 学习如何管理公共部门和非营利组织,以及如何作为公共卫生专业人员在政治环境中成功运作. You’ll be able to complete both degrees in a total of three years. Learn more about the MPP/MPH dual degree.

MSHI/MPH in Health Informatics/Public Health

接受公共卫生专业人员的培训,具备卫生信息学方面的额外专业知识. Learn to assess, develop and implement public health programs. 更深入地了解卫生数据系统和流程,以改善人口健康结果. Both degrees can be completed in three years. Learn more about the MSHI/MPH dual degree. 请注意,该学位课程仅在公共卫生学院内进行.

MSW/MPH in Social Work/Public Health 

通过结合物理的双学位评估和解决服务不足人群的问题, psychological and social indicators of positive health. Future administrators, 临床医生, 该地区的教育工作者和政策制定者在实地工作中获得了不同的知识和经验. Learn more about the MSW/MPH dual degree. 请注意,该学位课程仅在公共卫生学院内进行.

Lewis Katz School of Medicine

DPT/MA Urban Bioethics

通过将物理治疗博士与城市生物伦理学硕士相结合,提高您对患者护理的理解. 学习物理治疗的技巧和在密集环境中改善病人护理的策略, diverse and marked by disparities in health. Learn more about the DPT/MA dual degree.

MA Urban Bioethics/MA Sociology

通过获得城市生物伦理学和社会学双学位,将社会学和伦理学批判性思维应用于医学与社会交叉点的问题. Learn more about the MA/MA dual degree.

MD/PhD in Biomedical Sciences

Combine the Doctor of Medicine program with a PhD degree in Biomedical Sciences. 这个联合学位课程对于未来的医生来说是理想的,特别是对研究人体的过程和系统感兴趣. Learn more about the MD/PhD dual degree.

MD/PhD in Biomedical Sciences, Cancer Biology and Genetics Specialization

将医学博士课程与生物医学博士学位相结合, 并在七到八年的学习过程中专攻癌症生物学和遗传学. 这个转化程序是理想的未来的医生和科学家有兴趣在癌症生物学和遗传学领域的研究. Learn more about the MD/PhD dual degree.

MD/PhD in Biomedical Sciences, Infectious Disease and Immunity Specialization

获得双学位,将医学博士课程与生物医学科学博士学位以及传染病和免疫专业相结合. Over the course of seven to eight years, 你将通过论文项目和博士课程来补充医学临床工作. 这个转化程序是理想的未来的医生和科学家有兴趣在传染病和免疫领域做研究. Learn more about the MD/PhD dual degree.

MD/PhD in Biomedical Sciences, Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Specialization

将医学博士课程与生物医学科学博士学位以及分子和细胞生物科学专业相结合. Over the course of seven to eight years, 您将通过论文项目和博士课程来补充医学临床工作. 这个翻译程序是理想的未来的医生和科学家谁想要深入研究分子和细胞生物科学. Learn more about the MD/PhD dual degree.

MD/PhD in Biomedical Sciences, Neuroscience Specialization

Train to be a physician and gain a PhD specializing in neuroscience. Over the course of seven to eight years, 您将通过论文项目和博士课程来补充医学临床工作. 这个双学位非常适合未来的医生和科学家,他们对研究神经和神经精神疾病的有效治疗方法感兴趣. Learn more about the MD/PhD dual degree.


攻读医学博士学位和生物医学博士学位. 医学博士/博士课程非常适合想要研究器官系统和探索新兴转化医学领域的未来医生和科学家. Over the course of seven to eight years, 你将受益于实验室和课堂上的跨学科方法. 该项目高度鼓励临床和基础科学家之间的合作. Learn more about the MD/PhD dual degree.

MD/MA in Medicine/Urban Bioethics

将经典的医师准备课程与城市生物伦理学的高级培训相结合. Learn about how social and structural forces influence health and health care. Learn more about the MD/MA dual degree.

PhD or MA Philosophy/MA Urban Bioethics

通过完成哲学博士或硕士学位和城市生物伦理学硕士学位,学习当代生物伦理学的哲学基础,同时接受多维度多样化社会中医疗保健伦理和价值观的培训. Learn more about the PhD or MA/MA dual degree.

Lewis Katz School of Medicine / Fox School of Business

MD/MBA in Medicine/Business Administration

Take a dual-degree program without an extra year in school. 注册在线课程,完成工商管理硕士学位, and enrich your understanding of the business atmosphere of modern medicine. Learn more about the MD/MBA dual degree.

School of Theater, Film and 媒体 艺术

MFA/PhD in Documentary 艺术 and Visual 研究

整合生产和理论,追求博士水平的研究,建立在电影或媒体艺术的硕士学位. 创造工作,在创造性和批判性的图像方法和他们在这个跨学科项目中讲述的故事之间流畅地移动. Learn more about the MFA/PhD dual degree.